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Just because salespeople don't, doesn't mean they can't

self limiting belief sales marketing enablement challenges

As human beings, we are capable of much more than we often give ourselves credit for. We have a natural tendency to limit ourselves and hold ourselves back, often without even realizing it. This is because our beliefs and thoughts can profoundly impact our ability to achieve our goals and reach our full potential.

One of the most common thought patterns that can hold us back is the belief that "we don't do that."  This thinking can be incredibly limiting and prevent us from reaching our full potential. It is a belief that tells us that because we have never done something before, we cannot do it now. This can lead us to dismiss opportunities, write off our abilities, and miss out on experiences that could be life-changing.

"We don't do that here"

The phrase "we don't do that around here" is a limiting belief that can hold organizations back in several ways.

Not only is the "we don't do that around here" mentality limiting, but it can also have negative consequences for organizations. By embracing new ideas and being open to change, organizations can stay ahead of the competition and continue to grow and succeed.

Here are some reasons why this kind of thinking can be harmful:

  1. Stifles Innovation - When organizations adopt the mentality of "we don't do that around here," they limit their thinking and close themselves off to new ideas and innovative solutions. This can prevent the organization from staying ahead of the competition and adapting to changing market conditions.

  2. Limits Growth - Organizations may miss out on potential growth opportunities by dismissing new ideas and opportunities. This can result in missed revenue and market share and limit the organization's ability to expand and succeed in the long term.

  3. Decreases Employee Engagement - Employees who are told that "we don't do that around here" may feel like their ideas and contributions are not valued. This can lead to decreased morale, motivation, and engagement, resulting in a higher turnover rate.

  4. Misses Out on Customer Feedback - By rejecting new ideas and suggestions, organizations may miss out on valuable customer feedback and miss opportunities to improve their products and services.


Self-limiting beliefs of Sellers

Many examples of self-limiting beliefs often become so accepted they become part of the culture.  For example, salespeople may believe the following things, which hold back and stifle business growth:

  1. "I'm not a good talker" - This belief can lead salespeople to lack confidence in their communication skills and miss opportunities to connect with potential customers.

  2. "I don't know enough about the product" - This belief can cause salespeople to shy away from having conversations with potential customers and miss out on opportunities to learn and grow.

  3. "I don't have enough time to prospect" - This belief can lead salespeople to prioritize other tasks and not allocate enough time to reaching out to new potential customers.

  4. "I don't have the right resources" - This belief can cause salespeople to limit their thinking and creativity, not exploring new and cost-effective ways to reach their target audience.

  5. "I've tried that before and it didn't work" - This belief can lead salespeople to dismiss new ideas and opportunities without giving them a fair chance.

  6. "My audience isn't interested in that" - This belief can cause salespeople to limit their target audience and miss out on opportunities to reach a wider audience.

  7. "I don't have the right team" - This belief can cause salespeople to limit their collaborations and miss out on opportunities to learn from and work with others.

By recognizing and challenging these limiting beliefs, salespeople can break free from them and reach their full potential. They can take control of their thoughts and approach sales conversations and opportunities with a positive and open mindset. This will help them build strong relationships with potential customers and drive business growth.

Self-limiting beliefs of Marketers

Other groups can have self-limiting beliefs as well.  Here are typical examples of limiting beliefs that can hold marketers back:

  1. "I don't have enough experience" - This belief can lead marketers to shy away from taking on new projects or opportunities, even if they have the potential to further their careers.

  2. "I don't have the right skills" - This belief can cause marketers to undervalue their abilities and prevent them from taking on new challenges or learning new skills.

  3. "I don't have enough time" - This belief can lead marketers to prioritize other tasks and not allocate enough time to creative and innovative projects.

  4. "I don't have the budget" - This belief can cause marketers to limit their thinking and creativity, not exploring new and cost-effective ways to reach their target audience.

  5. "I've tried that before and it didn't work" - This belief can lead marketers to dismiss new ideas and opportunities without giving them a fair chance.

  6. "My audience won't be interested in that" - This belief can cause marketers to limit their target audience and miss out on opportunities to reach a wider audience.

  7. "I don't have the right team" - This belief can cause marketers to limit their collaborations and miss out on opportunities to learn from and work with others.

By recognizing and challenging these limiting beliefs, marketers can unless their creativity and find ways to become more curious about what is happening, especially when they take control of their thoughts and approach new projects and opportunities with a positive and open mindset.

Overcoming "We don't do that"

The good news is that this type of thinking can be overcome with a little effort and awareness. By changing how we think and approach life, we can break free from the limiting beliefs that hold us back. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Identify limiting beliefs

The first step in overcoming limiting beliefs is to identify them. This may require some introspection and self-reflection. Think about the things you believe about yourself and your abilities. Write down any thoughts or beliefs that are holding you back. Be honest with yourself and acknowledge the areas you are limiting yourself.

2. Challenge your beliefs

Once you have identified your limiting beliefs, it's time to challenge them. Ask yourself whether these beliefs are truly accurate and based in fact. Consider the evidence that supports your beliefs and also the evidence that contradicts them. By doing this, you can see your beliefs for what they are: just thoughts and opinions, not absolute truths.

3. Replace negative beliefs with positive ones

Once you have challenged your limiting beliefs, it's time to replace them with positive ones. This may take some effort and time, but it's worth it. Start by reframing your negative thoughts. Instead of thinking, "I can't do this," try thinking, "I may not have done it before, but I am capable of learning and achieving it." Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can build confidence in your abilities and see yourself in a more empowering light.

4. Take action

The final step in overcoming limiting beliefs is to take action. This means putting yourself in situations where you can challenge and overcome your limiting beliefs. Take small, manageable steps toward your goal, and as you start to see progress, you'll begin to feel more confident and capable. You may be surprised by what you can do when you put your mind to it!

Our beliefs and thoughts profoundly impact our ability to achieve our goals and reach our full potential. The belief that "just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't" can be incredibly limiting and prevent us from reaching our full potential. However, by identifying and challenging these beliefs, replacing them with positive ones, and taking action, we can break free from these limiting thoughts and reach our full potential.

So, if you feel limited by your beliefs, remember that you can change them. Take control of your thoughts and challenge yourself to be your best self. Just because you don't, doesn't mean you can't!